Russian Wreck
This wreck is a hydrofoil from the Russian Meteor series that sank in late 2003. A storm blew in November as the ferry was preparing to cross the Atlantic, the ferry broke its moorings and floundered on the rocks in Arguineguin harbor, sustaining serious damage to the stern, The owner barley had time to get her out of the harbor and around the corner from the cement factory at El Pajar before she sank. It has been deteriorated by the currents and storms but has become home to a diverse and abundant selection of marine life. Sitting in 18m depth, this 30m long wreck is spread out flat on the sandy bottom and makes for a very interesting dive. Large shoals of Barracuda and Roncadore hover over the wreck, with Common Sting Ray, Butterfly Ray and Angel Shark sitting in the surrounding sand.

Dive Type: At anchor
Access: Boat
Water Temp. Summer: 25 C
Water Temp. Winter: 20 C
Depth: Max. 18 m
Distance from the Dive Center: 25 min.
Minimum Certification: Open Water and above